Home Who is ColAAb

Who is ColAAb

ColAAb invites established contemporary artists to craft collectible pieces of functional art


ColAAb invites established artists from the contemporary art world
to create unique collectible pieces of functional art: seats, shelves, lighting fixtures, mirrors, curtains,
tables …

ColAAb closely collaborates with artists throughout the creation of their functional artworks,
producing and distributing them.

Each artwork comes out as a unique piece or limited editions of 8, produced in partnership with the
finest craftsmen and artisans, carefully selected for each collaboration.

ColAAb offers contemporary visual artists an opportunity to push their boundaries beyond fine arts
(painting, sculpture …), with a clear focus on sustainability and functionality, and to convey their vision
from another angle, using furniture design as a new medium.

Created by the internationally renowned artists, these ColAAb pieces will artfully balance any interior
design and creatively engage with bespoke projects.

Founded in 2022 and now recognized as part of both the art world and the global design community,
ColAAb has been invited to present at Unique Design x Paris, French Design, Art Genève, Labo
Milano, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris.

Download the works’ presentation file






Photo : © Vivianne B.

Aurélie SARALLIER, founder and director.


Aurelie Sarallier envisioned and created ColAAb based on her background and expertise in both
contemporary art and high-end furniture design.



“ColAAb is carried by the work of all those who have undertaken to connect the art and design since
the late of 19th century. By those of the Nabis the Bauhaus De Still and Atelier A by the creation of
Dali and Picasso the new realists then Rougemont Rancillac Franchen or the Lalanne.
Contemporary and embracing all trends, from the most minimal to the most baroque, ColAAb
supports today’s artists in their deepest desires and perspective.”


Pascale Le Thorel, director, Beaux-Arts de Paris publishing