Home Artworks Lighting fixtures Je voulais encore t’embrasser

Je voulais encore t’embrasser

ColAAb x Angelika Markul

The Confidants series

Je voulais encore t’embrasser (light fixture), 2022
Bronze (patina made in collaboration with the artist and the foundry), brass pedestal.
H 15.7 x W 9,8 x D 8.7 in (pedestal: H 21,7 in).
Numbered, signed and limited edition: 8 pieces + 4 A.P.

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Angelika Markul does videos, installations, and sculptures. Her work unfolds around art and science, fiction and memory and questions our relation with nature, universe, time. She explores wild and ancestral territories and vanished civilisations’ history but also takes a more political look at places where disasters happened (Fukushima, Tchernobyl…).
For ColAAb, Angelika Markul who is passionate about design, created a coffee table et two light fixtures, pieces of furniture very minimalist and poetic which echo her latest works.

Je voulais encore t’embrasser and Oui c’est encore moi
For those two lights, one in a small format, thought like a nightlight, for a bedroom and the other, in a bigger format, for living areas, Angelika Markul genuinely linked sculpture and design. Two heads are sculpted in bronze and tinted with patine, white then black, specific to the artist, and repeats her hand’s gesture. Each is fixed on a black pedestal receiving a bulb holder which lights up and shines above the sculpture.
Recently, and for the first time, Angelika Markul introduced autobiographic elements in her work. The two light fixtures, Je voulais encore t’embrasser and Oui c’est encore moi, with evocative titles, are very personal creations that are part of her latest sculpture series 7306 jours, of which she says it is about “a very intimate reflection, of 7306 days of freedom spent with someone. It is about love, questioning, talks, spiritual exchange, cultural, philosophical.”

Photos: © Aurélien Mole - Texts by Pascale Le Thorel

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